Hi, I'm Lauren


This is a place where I can share all of my creations with you, the visual outcomes of my inner world.

You'll find all my artworks, greeting cards, cross stitch & mending kits and stickers.

I have a section where you can customise your artwork with your own quote or pick and choose your own People as Animals portrait.

New Arrivals

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  • Spirit Animal Portraits

    These people as animals portraits have been a favourite for years. Mix and match to find your perfect couple that resembles your spirit animals.

  • Serpentine

    The serpent, a mysterious, elusive creature in mythology, has always fascinated me. Read more about my Transformation Artworks.

  • Quasar Series

    I am inspired by the mathematics of our universe and the unknown. I created these illustrations as a series to capture this constant evolving movement.

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Botanical Smoke Mix

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